Annual Owner Meeting Wrap-up 2019

Annual Owner Meeting Wrap-up 2019

Our Annual Meeting was held at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum. This year we had 99 attendees representing 46 Owner households. Thank you all so much for attending!

Our Board Elections concluded at the Annual Meeting. Our bylaws require a minimum of 50 votes for a valid election, this requirement was met. Of our participating voters, 92 used our online platform to place their votes and 18 voters used paper ballots, for a total of 110 voters. We had 7 candidates running for 5 open seats.

Leslie Hildebrandt, Angie Felton and Mike Lents (incumbent) were elected to the open full term (3 year) seats.
Janet Sturm and Jennifer Souva were elected to the partial term (1 year) seats.
Special thanks to Tom Gest and Barb Griggs for running as well.

We presented our 2018 Wooden Nickel checks to Special Olympics and the Isabella County Restoration House. Since last year’s meeting, GreenTree Owners and shoppers saved 10,572 bags from going through the carbon cycle. Our Owners also chose new Wooden Nickel recipients for 2019. This year shoppers will be able to donate to the Isabella Community Soup Kitchen, The Chippewa Watershed Conservancy or, as always, back to GreenTree.

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