This year’s Annual Meeting was our first at 410 W Broadway. We had 89 individuals in attendance (not including staff), representing 54 households. It was a sunny, if slightly chilly, afternoon and we were excited to show off the new store and give people a chance to socialize, hear about the Co-op’s progress, and try out our hot bar/salad bar. We had sidewalk chalk and bubbles for the kids and a beer and wine tasting for the adults.
Because we only reintroduced our Wooden Nickel donation program (now known as Beans for Bags) in early 2022, we decided to keep Karma Kat Cafe, Chippewa Watershed Conservancy, and GreenTree as our recipients until next year’s Annual Meeting. Don’t forget to keep using those reusable bags so you can contribute to these wonderful organizations on every shopping trip!
During the business portion of the meeting we reviewed our Annual Report. As our Board election wrapped up we said farewell to Leslie Hildebrandt (thank you so much for your service to the Co-op), congratulated Angie Felton and Mike Lents on their reelection, and welcomed Alice Ciccu to the Board! We’d also like to extend a big thank you to everyone who took the time to run for the Board, submit their votes, and attend the meeting. We appreciate the support and look forward to seeing you frequently at 410 W Broadway!