2015 Annual Owner Meeting

2015 Annual Owner Meeting

AOM postcard 2015 finalThis year’s Annual Owner Meeting will be held from 5-8pm on May 29th at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum.

We will be having an important vote on our Articles of Incorporation this year. You can get an overview of why we need the update here. We will also be holding elections for our Board of Directors. Interested parties are encouraged run. Simply fill out this Board Candidacy Form and follow the directions at the bottom to declare your intent to run.

As usual, the Annual Meeting is a potluck, and Owners are invited to bring a dish to pass.

These are the proposed Restated Bylaws. For a clear side-by-side comparison of the current language and the updates, click here. These are the proposed Restated Articles of Incorporation.

You can read the statements from each Board Candidate here: Ray Davies Statement, Gary Kramer Statement, Robert Murray Statement, Aiman Shahpurwala Statement. We also just received a write-in candidate: Carolyn Kaya Statement

Not sure what you’re in for? Check out these pictures from last year’s meeting to get an idea of how much fun you’ll have!